Monday, January 10, 2011

New Life for 2011

It is so hard to say goodbye to 2010 where many good things happened to my life but we should welcome 2011, a new life for us.

Every month, day ,hour, minute and even a second made a mark that will never be vanished. Moments with my family and friends but most of all the bonding gave to me by my Rizal family. And I promise to treasure it here in my heart till my last breath. In this year, I want to make a very unforgettable bonding to my Rizal family for the remaining time in this three months that we will be together. I wish they will not forget this simple and chubby girl that made them cry. May this year be a wonderful and successful one for all of us.

Thank you for everything 2010 and I will cherish the experiences you've given to me.


  1. your post is so great..

    your right, we must cherish and treasure everyday of our lives..

    now it's a new beginning and year..
    I'm happy too co'z you've been my friend and let's not forget one another.. ok..

    I like your post..

    keep up..

  2. nice post!!
    keep it up girl!!
